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I have always been a huge fan of Star - Wars, ever since I was a kid I loved the Pod racing scene. This is  a Pod Racer based heavily on the one used by Anakin Skywalker.


This model is game ready, with a few parts having baked details from a higher poly version of the model. Textures made with a PBR workflow.


Ever since I was a kid I have always loved giant robots. Gundam Wing, and Gundam the 08th Ms Team were my favorite giant robot animes. Once I felt my skills were up to it, I had to try and model my own Gundam. Seriously thinking about giving this particular model of Gundam a second go as I can see plenty of areas where I can improve this. It's been more than a year since I made this.


This seems like more of a running theme than I would have thought, but once again, since I was a kid, I always liked the design and style of this particular car. I think a large part of that came from a model kit my father had on display on his book shelf. I always looked at it and would even take it down while he was at work to play with it. Carefully of course!


This is one of the first models I made where I tried to do something with more natural shapes to it. Being one of my first major models, it's very unoptimized and full of unnecessary geometry and even missing details. Certainly a model I need to re-tackle soon!

Radon-Ulzer Pod Racer (Star Wars)

RX-79[G] Gundam (Gundam: 08th MS Team)

Lamborghini Countach

Swordfish II (Cowboy Bebop)

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